We are Sarah + Stephanie

We are both moms who love Jesus, Coffee 

Meet Sarah

Hi! My name is Sarah. I grew up a couple of hours away from the Smokies in a small town of Jonesborough. I took many vacations and weekend trips to Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg growing up. When I met my husband, he found a job that took us to Sevierville. I never dreamed of living here but started to love that there was so much to do. My husband and I were married for 10 years before we had kids. We had so much fun traveling and doing things.

I have always had a love of photography and wanted to start a photography business. During those 10+ years with no kids I grew my business by photographing lots of families from out of town, I did so many cabin weddings, marriage proposals and family reunions all over the Smokies.

I had a photography website and blog that I used for my business to grow. I became very busy and booked up

2018 I had my daughter Kristyn and 2021 I had my son Karsen. When I became a mom of 2 kids, my whole world changed. I became less and less interested in photography and started to slowly put it to the side. I wanted to be more present with my kids and be home with them.

I have had the idea of starting a Smoky Mountain Blog before my daughter was even born. I feel like God put the desire in my heart but kids, life and work got in the way. The idea kept coming to me year after year and month after month so I got all my ideas and plans together but had no idea where to start or what to do.

God put Stephanie in my life through church and talking about Homeschooling. We became great friends and now here we are working on this project together. She helps support me, encourages me and keeps me in line with all my ideas.

Meet Stephanie

Hi! My name is Stephanie. I was born & raised in a small town in Louisiana “the end of the world”. I’ve been to the Smoky Mountains a few times for vacation and visiting some family in Knoxville. I spent a summer in Knoxville and grown to love the area immediately. I eventually moved to Knoxville.

In 2011 I met my wonderful husband, Josh. We’ve dated for 3 years then got married around our 3-year anniversary dating. I had two weeks of free time to plan our wedding, so I did! It was a special night I will remember for a long time.

We waited a couple years to have kids. We worked, served at our church, go on date nights… I honestly don’t remember much life before kids. HA HA. The time finally came and God blessed us with 3 loving kids; Jonah, Luke, and Juliette.

 I am a licensed cosmetologist. I was blessed with an opportunity of staying home with my own kids and started running my own in-home preschool. Thanks to my mother -in- law for helping me get started! I’ve been doing it for 5 years. I adore all of my kids and their parents that cross my path. As I continue my child care, we are also on a slow journey to homeschooling our own kids. We are big on Church, family time, and sports!



About Us

Sarah and Stephanie have known each other since 2014. We both went to the same church. Sarah was over the Kids Ministry and Stephanie and her then boyfriend, now husband, volunteered to work in a class. We became Facebook friends and learned more about each other just through social media. When Stephanie became pregnant with her first child, she hired Sarah to come to her house to photograph her newborn. As Stephanie went on to have more kids, Sarah became pregnant the same time Stephanie was. Stephanie had a boy a month earlier than Sarah when she gave birth to her daughter. They also became pregnant together again when Stephanie’s 3rd Child was born 2 months before Sarah’s 2nd.

Even though we knew each other we never hung out or just say hi to each other in passing at church.

It wasn’t until Sarah mentioned she was going to homeschool her kids on Facebook that Stephanie and Sarah began talking more. We then met up for dinner and talked for a few hours just learning more about each other

A few months pass and Stephanie is asked to host a Monthly Moms small group at our church. She asked Sarah if she would help plan the activities. Our friendship grew from there.