I wanted to share some tips with you on how to give God 15 mins.
Let me start by saying as mothers, we are rarely alone! When we go into another room for just about anything, those little feet are coming to look for you or yelling “MOM”! If you are in the bath, they are sitting next to you or on the other side of the door sticking their little fingers through the bottom of the door. I get it, it’s hard to have time to yourself. You know what though, it’s even better for your kids to see you trying and doing the best you can reading God’s word and worshipping Him. With that being said, are you having trouble giving God 15 minutes a day? I know we do! This isn’t just for you. It’s for us as well! We all fall short sometimes, and it’s good to have others to help keep us motivated and accountable. We thought we would share with you all how you can give God 15 minutes each day.
Matthew 6:6 says” But when you pray, go away by yourself, shut the door behind you, and pray to your Father in private. Then your Father, who sees everything, will reward you. “
I love this verse; I love to wake up and give God 15 in the morning. But being a mother, this has been hard to do. My kids always woke up in the middle of the night. My kids have struggled with ear infections, fluid in their ears, nightmare or night terrors, sleepwalking, getting sick. It always seemed like something every night. I always felt like I never got enough sleep. We are finally at a stage in life where they are finally sleeping all night. If we go to bed late, if I don’t have my bible open and ready, bad mood, all the excuses you can think of I probably used it. I am getting a little sidetracked, but I want you to know the reality and some of you that have kids will understand. This verse, doesn’t explain that we mothers, are doing holy work. We are to train up a child, we are to show and teach our kids how to love our Savior. The best way we can do that is right in front of them. They must witness us doing it. We all know kids are like sponges! They repeat and do everything they hear and see. Why not it be the Truth.
Involve your kids!
Did you know you can give God 15 minutes anytime? You can pray anywhere at any time! It doesn’t have to be right when you wake up, it doesn’t have to be alone. It’s always great if you can, but the cool thing… you can meet God anywhere! While you’re eating breakfast, lunch, washing the dishes, before you look into the fridge, or even taking a bath.…
- Take 15 minutes & write Bible verses on index cards or post it notes. Place them in certain places so you can read them & see them every day. When you see your index cards or sticky notes, soak them in for 15 minutes. Set your timer, my friend! If you have a child old enough, have your child sit with you & write scripture. It’s good for them to learn God’s word and it helps with handwriting.
- Read your Bible during lunch. Set a timer for 15 minutes. Eat & read. Tell me why you can’t! If you have a toddler, give them some paper & paint sticks. Pray for guidance and understanding for God to use the specific verse in your life and your kids. Then just read the verse a couple of times out loud for yourself and your kids.
- Read your kids a scripture & memorize it as a family. 15 minutes before nap time, after nap time, after dinner, or before bed. Sit down as a family & write the scripture, each one of you take turns reading it after & talk about it. You can let your toddlers, pretend they are writing it with their paint sticks, markers, or crayons.
- Go for a 15-minute walk (outside or treadmill if you have one) and listen to the Bible app on the phone. If you have trouble listening take 1 of your index cards or sticky note & read while you walk & try to memorize it. You can also listen to worship music. Thank God for all of the good and the bad. We always think the bad isn’t good, but in the moment, it never is but try to think of the good in the bad moments. It gets you to where you are now. With God we can handle anything that comes our way.
- Take 15 minutes when your kids go to bed. Sit in their room and just read Gods word or certain scripture over them. Have your husband join in. You can set a timer; however, I would put it in your kitchen or another room, so you don’t wake up the kids.
- I love to fold laundry and pray over my family. Each shirt, underwear, or shorts that I pick up, I will pray specifically for that person. That’s really the only way I enjoy folding laundry. I would also set a timer somewhere for 15 minutes. That should also help you get all of the laundry folded.
- I love to listen to worship music. I either use my worship playlist on apple music or listen to Klove. I also love to play certain songs my kids love, and they worship with me. I also love to worship while I’m doing the dishes. I find it peaceful when the kids are in bed, and I clean the kitchen. I turn the lights off, get my candles going, worship while I clean the kitchen. So Peaceful and Refreshing!
- Listen to a Podcast. You can probably find one for 15 minutes or just find one for however long. As long as you can listen and soak it in, pray about what you listened to. I find that as a win!
- Try using headphone and do the Bible Recap using the Bible app. the Bible can be read to you and just listen as you drive. You then listen to a 5-7 min recap video with Tara Leigh Cobble. She will give you a break down of what you just read so you have a better understanding of the Bible.
Reading Gods word & praying is so good. Our God is powerful, so merciful! We NEED to make time for Him. He paid for our sins by dying on a cross. Let me say that again… HE DIED FOR US! Giving him 15 is not nearly enough. He knows we are doing Holy Work by taking care of our family & raising them to be Christ Followers.
Let’s Go Mom’s! Let’s Give God 15 with our kids. Let’s teach them how to be Godly by showing our bold actions!