What Every Mom Should Keep In Her Car

Written by: Sarah Robinette


I don’t know how many times I have said to myself…”I meant to keep that in the car!!”

Just like you, I feel like I live out of my car. We need our cars for peace and quiet, to relax and sometimes we need it to haul our screaming children around, either way, we are in that car ALOT….MANY HOURS are spent in the car.

How many times have  you forgot to grab something out of the house and now you have to figure out what to do without It or you have to go buy another one again….That would be ME!

My husband means well but he always thinks he is helping me by carrying things into the house, but in reality he takes in things that I keep in the car on purpose.

I just got a new vehicle, so I took some time to make a list of everything I need and now I am sharing it with you!

We are part of the Amazon Affliate Program so we do earn a small commission on any products you buy using our link at no extra charge to you! We only recommend things we know are the best!

Everything a mom should keep in her car organization for busy moms essentials

For Kids

  • Extra underwear

Kids can have accidents or just sit in stuff to make them need new underwear so it’s always great to keep extra in the car


  • Change of Clothes

They spill something on them, play in mud or whatever the reason, having extra clothes is best to keep


  • Diapers

I keep some in a diaper bag but I also keep some in a special spot in case I forgot to refill the diaper bag.


  • Wipes

Wipes are super handy to have even if you don’t have little kids. You can wipe off your hands, clean something up. I use them so much just for me as the mom!


  • Snacks

Chips, pretzels, protein bars or any kind of food that can stand the heat is good to have on hand.


  • Potty Chair

I personally believe everyone should have some place they can go in an emergency. You get it!


  • Stroller

Our stroller is big but we need it more than we think we do.


  • Stuffies / Stuffed Animals

Kids love them and we keep certain ones in the car and that is where they stay.


  • Grip Socks

There have been a few times the kids have needed socks to play at a certain place or even needed them for jumping so we have started keeping jumping socks in the car so when we do decide to go to a trampoline park, we have the socks, so we don’t have to buy them again.


  • Scooters

I started keeping the kids scooters in the trunk so if we are ever out and find a place to ride them, we have them and can go enjoy a new area or even our favorite biking trail.


  • Shovels / Sand Toys

My son loves to play in the dirt and to dig, so why not keep a few shovels and different things for him to play if we ever need to kill some time. He seems to find dirt everywhere we go.


  • iPad

I don’t know if some people prefer to keep the iPads or tablets in the car, but if you do, we like to keep them hidden.


  • Toys

We keep special toys and things to keep them entertained in the car.


  • Tennis Shoes

There have been a few times when we planned to do something, and the activity called for them to wear tennis shoes and of all days they were not wearing them. Now, we started keeping some tennis shoes in the car.



In Case of an Emergency


  • Car Jump Starter

Dead batteries don’t give you mush of a warning so keeping this Portable Jump Starter makes me feel a little better.


  • Tire Changing kit

This tire changing kit will be your life saver if you have a flat tire or blow out. This one here is the best rated and is easy to keep in your trunk.

  • Car Escape Tool

This handy tool is something we hope to never use but if you are in a situation where you need to break the glass to get out of your car or you need to cut your seat belt to get out. This tool can help with that.

  • Flashlight

If your phone was to be dead and you need to see. It is never a bad idea to keep a flashlight on hand.


  • List of phone numbers

This is good to keep on hand in the rare case that you need help but your phone died and you then are stuck with not knowing family or friend’s phone numbers. Keep a list of the people to call in a safe place as well as any other numbers you may need to call for tow company, AAA or locksmith.

  • Power Bank

If your phone died, and your car battery is dead and you can’t charge your phone. It will feel good to know you do have a place to recharge your phone or any devices. This is the power bank I have and I use it also for when I am out on vacation and know I’ll be taking lots of photos. Its easy to store.

  • Books/ Magazines

In that hard situation you may be in, you don’t want to waste your battery on your phone for entertainment as you wait for help so having a book or magazine in the car to help pass the time is good.

  • Whistle

When you need to get people’s attention quickly, having a whistle on hand can be a life saver.

  • Mace / Stun Gun

As a woman, mom and wife. It can be scary to travel alone or alone with your kids. You can feel a little more at peace if you carry pepper spray or stun gun or something to help you feel safe. This 2 in one stun gun and Max strength pepper spray will help you if in any dangerous situation. It’s also pink and has a flashlight

  • Reflective triangles so no one hits you

We hope none of this ever happens, but if your car is to breakdown in the middle of a busy road or highway you want to do everything you can to make sure people go around you and not to hit you. These small but sturdy reflective triangles you can put around your car to direct cars to go around you.

  • Choking device

I once saw a commercial of a child choking and I immediately knew I needed something incase that was to ever happen to me. This Choking Rescue Device kit helps put me at ease. I like to keep it in car just so we always have it and even if I am at home, I can grab it! It is very simple. They have an adult size mask and a child size. You put it over the person’s mouth, lay them on their back and push it up and down till the food comes out.

  • Eye Mask to sleep

Have you ever needed to rest in the middle of the day and the sun is right in your eyes, I like to keep a sleep mask in the car so I can sleep if needed.

Everything a mom should keep in her car organization for busy moms essentials


Your Own Hygiene Bag

Having a kit in your car for all the things mama may need such as mouth wash, tampons, brush, and whatever else you may need in your own bag will help keep you organized. Here are some ideas of things to keep in your bag. Also, THIS BAG is perfect to keep in your car as well as to travel with.

  • Extra makeup

  • Brush

  • Dry Shampoo

  • Tampons/ Pads

  • Extra hair ties

  • Lent roller

  • Fingernail clippers

  • Deodorant Wipes

  • Perfume

  • Lotion

  • Finger Nail Clippers

  • Stain Remover Pens



Must Haves

  • Cash / Change

You never know when you may need to pay with cash or need some change for a parking meter or toll booth

  • Phone holder

This 3 in 1 phone car mount is my favorite. You can mound it on your window, the dash or in the vent.

  • Phone charger

Having a phone charger in your car is a must.

  • Power Bank

A Power Bank is not the same thing as a phone charger as I mentioned above. These are for when you are on the go and need to plug up your phone or devices, but great to have on hand for long adventure days or if your car breaks down.

  • Umbrella/ Poncho

  • Insurance Cards

  • Hand Sanitizer

  • Ear buds

  • Medicine

  • Tissues

  • Plastic bags (Walmart bags)

  • Car trash can

  • Car spray

  • Instant ice pack

  • Chap stick/ lip stick

  • Band aids

  • Eye drops

  • Pens

  • Paper

  • Sunglasses

  • Car wash tag

  • Water for car/ hand washing

  • Air freshener

  • Extra Shoes

  • Keep all your season passes / Gift Cards in a bag

  • Napkins/ straws

  • Plastic spoons & forks

  • Dusting Mit

For Summer

  • Towel

  • Bathing suite

  • Sunscreen

  • Bug spray



For winter

  • Hand & Feet warmers

These Hot hands are the ones we like to keep with us. We have used them a lot for when we are out.

  • Ice scrapper

  • Coats

  • Blankets



For Mom / Dad

  • Tennis Shoes

  • Extra Clothes/ Jacket

  • Sunglasses

Everything a mom should keep in her car organization for busy moms essentials


We do hope this list helps you with thinking about everything you need to keep on you and in your vehicle as well navigate this motherhood journey. Please let us know what we left out!

Smoky Mountain Moms

Stephanie and Sarah