8 Birthday Ideas to make them feel special

Written by: Sarah Robinette

Do you have a special family member or friend celebrating a birthday here soon and trying to come up with ideas to make them feel special? Well, here are some ideas you can use to make them feel loved and special, because really that is what it is all about. Kids and adults alike just want to feel loved that day and my love language has always been to make memories over things but we know with kids that they like presents too.


Here is our ideas to help inspire and help make birthdays fun!





Have videos sent to your loved one all day long

We all love getting Facebook messages on our birthdays that say “Happy Birthday” but let’s be honest! It is pre written for us and it takes us 2 seconds to send. I love when a few friends will write a heart felt message or something I know that didn’t get copied or pasted and is personal to me!

If you have friends or family that can’t make it for any kind of celebration or if you just are busy that day and can’t celebrate on the actual birthday, having friends and family to have a set time to send a birthday video will keep them reminded they are loved and celebrated. This is perfect for kids as well.

I recently did this for my husband for his 40th birthday. He had to work on his birthday. He also has a birthday during one of the busiest weekends. Memorial Day weekend and on top of that graduations.  I made a list of all kinds of people he has been close to over the years, people he talks about but never sees, his family, my family and so on. I think contacted everyone and sent them a message with my idea so they understood it. Here is what I wrote…

“So This Thursday is Ryan’s 40th birthday. He has to work but I thought of this idea to have his closest friends and family send him a video saying Happy Birthday.

Your video doesn’t have to be long but I would want YOU to send it to Ryan on Thursday at 1:30pm

I am going to then have people scheduled every 30 mins all day he will get a new video from friends. This will be a surprise so don’t tell him about it. You can pre record it so you have it ready! Let me know if you have any questions! I hope you can do it!”


Now, the few pieces of advice I would suggest is to make sure you include his phone number and they need to send it to him. Even though I told people that, some still sent it to me.

2nd is to give people some ideas on what to say. such as..

Share a favorite memory, funny story, piece of advice, or how much they mean to you or just make it super silly and fun! Please make your video at least 30 seconds. Have fun with it.


I then made sure to send it out 5 days in advance to give people time to make their video and then the day before I sent them this.

“Just reminding you tomorrow is Ryan’s birthday I’m hoping my plan works with coordinating people to send messages. I have you down to send it at 1:30pm

If you don’t send it right on time it’s ok! You participating in this will mean a lot! I appreciate you doing this!


I started with his mom first at 8am then his dad sending him a video at 8:30am then moved to my parents to send him a video, then kept all his family in the morning times then plugged people in for the rest of the day. If no one responded saying they could do it then I just added someone else to that time slot and if he got 2 in that 30 min time frame, that would be ok!

He got some amazing videos!! It was very special. I wish more people would do this because that’s what birthdays are about. Just making others feel special, loved and appreciated.






Have An All Day Long Party

My daughter is 6 and has different friends all over the place, church, school, sports, neighbors so instead of stressing about one big party that only last a couple of hours and having me and her a little overwhelmed trying to talk to everyone. We just staggered the parties to last all day. This way she got more one on one time with her friends. Plus people are busy during the day or evening so working it around their schedule is less stressful. You can still give gifts and have a little party for food and presents but keeping it as if it’s a one on one play date is super fun!

This could be done different ways, If you have the space and nice weather rent a bounce house or have the party at your house and have kids scheduled to come over every few hours. We did this for my daughter. We had church friends over then grandparents, then school friends and then neighborhood friends. I personally liked doing this because everyone knew each other in that group so I didn’t feel overwhelmed trying to talk to everyone. It felt more relaxed and not rushed.

If you don’t have the space to do something like this at your house, maybe you could go to different places with different sets of friends. Such as the park with school friends, or trampoline park with church friends and then another fun spot with your sports friends. However you wanted to do it, would be fun!

I did this progressive party for my husband as well when he turned 40. I kept it a secret from him and had my mom show up to watch the kids and we went out to go somewhere. He thought it was just me and him going out for a date but I planned to secretly and “randomly”  see our friends there. It worked out great and was fun! It is a great surprise and they may catch on after awhile.

Try large group activities to fit a lot of people in at once such as, skating, bowling, escape games, eating out, Top Golf or if you only have a few people who could do a small quick activity then do something quick with them. We all know adults are busy so getting a group together seems to be hard.








Ask friends to send a birthday card in the mail

My kids love getting mail and I know some people love letters. They treasure them forever. Ask friends and family to send a birthday card in the mail. If some come in early just save them up and put them in the mailbox for them to get on their birthday.








Hide notes in places all day long for them to find

This is super fun! We as a family wrote several notes, some were favorite memories, what we like about you, why we love you, then hid them all over the place. You can hide them in the car, pants pockets, different rooms in the house.








Have flowers and balloons delivered to them at school or work

How special would your kid, parent, friend or spouse feel receiving flowers, candy and balloons while they are at school, work or at their home. That would always make them smile and feel special.








Give Them Money To Spend That Day!

WE all have that friend who has everything and we don’t know what to buy them, instead of just giving them money, take them out and make them spend the money that day. I have done this with my mom because she usually spends the money I get her on bills and not on herself so one day I gave her a card with money like I normally do but told her we are going out to spend it. Whatever she doesn’t spend, she has to give it back to me. I was motivating her to spend it.

We went clothing shopping and I had her try all kinds of clothes on, she normally won’t buy much clothing and talks herself out of it. We stopped at some antique shops and had a great day! I know she wouldn’t have spent all that money on herself if I wasn’t pushing her to buy for herself.








Have A Scavenger Hunt To Find Your Presents

We love to do this for big and small gifts. Have them get a clue to find the first present and then keep it going to find everything. You can make the clues super hard or super easy!! It’s just an extra fun step to receive your gifts








The Birthday Boy or Girl Gets A Bell To Ring

Growing up my parents did this with me and it was so much fun! When it was my parents birthday or even Father’s Day or Mother’s Day. We loved to be our parents servant for the day. If they were on the couch they would ring the bell for us to get them a drink, Bring them whatever they could think of. We even loved it when it was our turn to ring the bell on our birthdays.

Smoky Mountain Moms

Stephanie and Sarah